Return Policy
Orders And Returns
Missing, damage and incorrect book should be informed within 10 days on receipt of books and a mail is required to be sent on, with order number, image attached and contact number.Any requests beyond 10 days will not be entertained.
Uniforms & Shoes:
- Trial of the uniform and shoes should be done before purchase.
- Trial of the uniform can be done in school and dates will be informed through Email / ERP.
- Only damaged uniform or shoes are entitled for an exchange. No exchange will be entertained on account of size.
- White T-shirts once ordered will not be returned nor exchanged.
- All exchanges will take place in school campus only on Saturdays and within 10 days of delivery.
- Any requests beyond 10 days will not be entertained.
- For exchange of uniforms details such as, issue, order number with photograph should be mailed to with contact number.
- For exchange of shoes details such as, issue, order number with photograph should be mailed to with contact number.
- Exchanges for the Books, Uniforms and Shoes bought from any vendor or source other than will not be entertained.